A Letter from President Prof. Ariel Porat

President Porat's Message

Dear Friends,


Our 2023 magazine is being presented to you against the backdrop of two exciting milestones. One is national— Israel’s 75th anniversary, and the other is local—the completion of the University’s $1 billion Global Campaign.


The development and progress of the State and of TAU are intertwined and mutually reinforcing, and we are immensely proud that so many of Israel’s achievements in the areas of tech, health, security, society and the arts originated right here on our campus. Today, thanks to the University’s remarkable community of supporters and alumni, TAU is better positioned than ever to advance Israel scientifically, academically and socially.


Among remarkable firsts for Israel are an observatory for quantum space communication, an app to keep seniors safe in the digital sphere, a center for autoimmune diseases, and a leadership program for Israeli mayors. For students we have significantly boosted services at the new TAU Student Success Center and widened inclusivity for the disabled.


Two transformative gifts by donors have enabled the renaming of TAU International as the LOWY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, which will expand study and research collaborations with top universities abroad; and the inauguration of the Dan Launchpad for student startups, which will augment TAU’s prominence in Israeli innovation and entrepreneurship.


No matter the topic, our goal at the University is to serve society, and toward that end TAU is building links with hospitals, industry partners, government agencies, NGOs and international organizations. TAU’s many friends and supporters in Israel and abroad are key to this effort, for which we are deeply appreciative and grateful.


Regards and enjoy the issue,


Prof. Ariel Porat

President, Tel Aviv University

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